Friday, August 28, 2009

lets have it then

I’ve tried to encourage all involved to post on the blog, comments about the “experience” of working on this project. I know from some how rewarding you have found it, particularly in relation to group work. I’m enjoying the freedom of sharing the “mechanics” of the project with you and your hunger to understand fully the context within which we working. There are a lot more benefits to come on both a group and personal level and I’m keen to ensure you get the quality experience you deserve. You have excelled in many ways so please ignore any self doubt. Reflect and smack your thoughts out on the blog. All you have to do is click on the comment tag below each posting and write your bit. Help me to help you.


  1. Found this whole project inspiring from the very start and now that it is starting to come together I can see how well we have all worked as a team and the experience of us all working together to the final goal. Each one of us has different individual styles but this project has brought all ideas together and we have all worked together exploring ideas and techniques as a whole rather than indivual projects. This has opened up my ideas for future projects and I feel I have gained a lot in the process. Thanks for getting me involved.

  2. I've really enjoyed being involved in it. It's been a valuable experience for me to see the different aspects of this kind of commission. From hearing about the initial consultations through meeting up with everyone and generating ideas to being hands on with the making. It's been great seeing how all suggestions have been given space and how they have evolved and adapted to time, material or concept restraints. I always believed I'd like to work collaboratively and this has just reinforced it. I've enjoyed how everyone has shared their different skills and strengths and it's worked out really well. I've also appreciated the chance to work with the various materials in different environments. Thanks everybody. Philippa

  3. It has been an enjoyable change to work within a group. I have appreciated the development of the project, each area has changed into something unexpected. It is nice to meet a group of people passionate about a whole range of techniques and materials. Most of all I am looking forward to learning about the mould making process for the way markers. see you all Wednesday for the installation!

  4. Words for the tree...Grand, theatrical,omniscient, change(of the tree and it's surroundings), evolution, survival of the fittest & enduring.
